Friends & family...
When we're feeling lonely, it can sometimes feel easier to just sink into that feeling & not want to reach out to those around us. Trust us - you will feel so magical catching up with your pal for a coffee, going for a walk or to the movies - schedule in cute times with friends & family, make them often & make those catch ups a number 1 priority in your planner.
Hey it might be time to join that club! Or that class! Or that group! Do you have any interests that you have been looking at exploring? This can be a great way to meet like minded people & create cute new connections.
Maybe a drawing class? A run club? A crochet circle? Go boo!
Self love & mindfulness...
Do the things you LOVE and treat yourself
with just as much love! Use your positive affirmations, journal, spend time in nature- whatever it is that you need to fill your cup - and remember just how special and wonderful you are ♥
Limit social media...
Social media can be fun to keep up with some connections & finding like minded people; however too much can hurt our cute brains. Take some time to soak up the real world & focus on the meaningful interactions around you - What's your screen time, reckon you need to bring it down a little?
Smile at a stranger, compliment someone's hair, stop to pat someone's dog, chat to the barista at your local coffee shop! These tiny lil interactions compound over the day and layer happy feel good emotions, as well as fostering a feeling of human connection and belonging. Maybe you could make it a challenge to have at least one cute human interaction a day with a stranger?
If you're looking for connection, volunteering could be for you. Not only can you meet people with a similar interest or purpose - it will help you to feel a sense of purpose.
Reach Out...
Feeling lonely can sometimes feel overwhelming - there is absolutely no shame in reaching out if you need some extra support. We've listed our fave support lines that are available around the clock to offer help & guidance whenever you may need it.
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 ~
Butterfly Foundation: 1800 334 673
MensLine: 1300 789 978
QLife: 1800 184 527
SANE Australia Help Centre: 1800 187 263 ~
13 Yarn: for our First Nations Folk -13 92 76
You got this boo!!! ❤︎
Love, Tibbs