The Power of Setting Intentions 🫶

The Power of Setting Intentions 🫶

2 minute read

Don’t get us STARTED on the power of an intention…. they have such a range of gorgy benefits for your wellbeing! They help us to align our actions with our life purpose, encourage self reflection, help you to shift your mindset & focus on the JOURNEY as well as encouraging a more mindful way of living. Who wouldn’t want to set an intention?

You can set intentions as a simple word for the week (such as; ‘gratitude’ , ‘grounded’ , or ‘joy’ ) or a clear sentence might be more your vibe (such as ‘this week i want to focus on being grateful’ or ‘this week I want to look for little moments of joy in all i do’)

When setting intentions, keep them simple, keep them positive & come back to your intention often. Maybe you pop a post-it note in your car, pop it as your screen saver (or write on the back of your hand if you really want it in your face hehe) Make sure you keep actively reflecting on whether your choices or actions are aligning with your intentions too. And don’t worry if your intention is no longer relevant or you feel like changing it up - the power is yours! I love to share my intentions with my bestie, so I can reflect and come back to it as needed during the week. 

We’ve compiled our favourite intentions lately to get you started on your journey….

“I will practice gratitude & look for moments I can be grateful for throughout the day”

“This week I will prioritise moving my body because I know my brain & heart love it when I do”

“STAYING PRESENT in all that I do”

“KINDNESS. I will come back to the word KIND in all that I do & say - both internally & to those around me”

“I intend to love unconditionally” 

“I will look for moment of joy in everyday”

Love, Tibbs xxx

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